We have been helping people improve their vision for over 35 years.
Since 1976, the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision has been offering natural solutions so people can care for, protect and improve their vision - without glasses, contacts, drugs or surgery. Over a quarter of a million people from around the world have contacted the Institute looking for help.
We believe that all healing starts from within and that the process of healing is supported and encouraged by the right combination of nourishment, exercise, relaxation, attitude and inner willingness to change.
We do everything we can to bring you the best natural approaches for helping vision problems of all kinds: Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, Presbyopia, Astigmatism, Eye Imbalances, Binocular Vision Problems, Eye Strain & Discomfort, Poor Night Vision and Computer-Related Eye Problems. You’ll also find natural help for vision problems of a medical nature: Cataracts, Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration.
About our Founder:
The Cambridge Institute for Better Vision was founded by Martin Sussman from a deep desire to find a method to improve vision naturally. He started by developing a 3 day Vision Seminar training called Eyeclasses. During the seminar he taught people the techniques they needed to improve their vision.
Throughout the following years Martin conducted more than 500 lectures, seminars and workshops. Martin was the co-developer of The Read Without Glasses Method (with Ray Gottlieb), the co-author of Total Health at the Computer (with Dr. Ernest Loewenstein and Howard Sann) and audio-author of numerous audio programs, including The Advanced BetterVision series.
Called “an expert” by CNN News and “a real pro” by NBC Today, Mr. Sussman has appeared on radio and TV over 50 times. His appearance on CNN made “broadcast history”: It was the first instance that a segment from “News from the World of Medicine” was re-broadcast. Mr. Sussman, was not an optometrist or an ophthalmologist, he was a natural vision care expert. He went beyond the medical and mechanical models of vision, believing instead that vision is profoundly affected by the mind, body, emotions and spirit.
Here is a brief timeline of the history of the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision:
The Eyeclasses Vision Seminar is offered for the first time (in Amherst, MA).
1976 – 1988
Word of mouth spreads; Eyeclasses grows. For twelve years the seminar is offered on a regular basis throughout North America in 24 different cities – often more than 20 times a year.
The home-study Program for Better Vision audiotape series is developed by Martin Sussman. A “do-it-yourself” distillation of the principles and techniques in Eyeclasses. Now there are over 80,000 users throughout the world.
The Program for Better Vision is translated into French and is distributed throughout French-speaking Canada.
The Advanced Better Vision Tape Set is released – a series of 6 audiotapes offering advanced vision techniques and exercises.
Natural Vision Care expands with the publication of the first Better Vision Catalog, containing more than 20 items, including books, natural lighting, vitamins and other products.
Total Health at the Computer, written by Martin Sussman and Dr. Ernest Loewenstein with Howard Sann, is published by Station Hill Press. National TV and radio tour follows.
Total Health at the Computer is translated into German.
Pacific Rim Associate Office opened by the Cambridge Institute for residents of Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and China.
The Program for Better Vision BOOK is published. Almost immediately, the Book-of-the-Month Club picks it up. The book is translated into Chinese.
Embracing online demand, the 10 Keys to Better Vision digital e-book is released.
The Program for Better Vision, is released in digital e-book format.
The web site Program-for-Better-Vision.com is launched to support distribution of the Program.
About our Founder
“I know from personal experience that you can surprise yourself – and your eye doctor – when you do some very simple things to take charge of your own vision.”
Our founder, Mr. Sussman, was not an optometrist or an ophthalmologist, he was a natural vision care expert. He went beyond the medical and mechanical models of vision, believing instead that vision is profoundly affected by the mind, body, emotions and spirit.
Since 1976, the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision has been offering natural solutions so people can care for, protect and improve their vision.
Over a quarter of a million people from around the world have contacted the Institute looking for help.
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Order the THE PROGRAM FOR BETTER VISIONIf you would like to order over the phone just call 1-800-372-3937 and follow the prompts. Try The Program for Better Vision, RISK-FREE, for a full 90 days. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, let us know and you’ll receive a prompt refund, (less shipping and handling).